Marquis D’Crusade!


The christian crusades mark some of the most bloody and mad chapters in religious history and are a perfect reason to judge the validity of following illogical shit blindly. For nearly three centuries christianity launched an offensive against the forces of Islam due to idiological differences. Europe had expended such an exponential number of men and an astronomical amount of money to fight for it’s right for a superior mythology, that the entire continent teetered on the brink of bankruptcy if not total insolvency. Millions died of disease, injury and hunger while attempting to inflict the atrocities of torture upon the minions of Mohammed the bible thief. The Islamic religion was, in fact, stolen from the bible in the 600s and ended in 632 CE literally translated as ‘the recitation’ The Holy Quran. As with all myths, the Quran was a linchpin in Mohammed’s arsenal to unite the warring clans of the desert and put them under the banner of a ‘one true god.’

Christianity, with it’s melding of pagan holidays and appeasing of the conquered peoples of Rome created a hodge-podge religion of inaccuracies that was the greatest model for illiterates such as Mohammed and Joseph Smith to create a living document that could control an immense number of illiterate followers. This is the truth of the history of christianity. The advancement of society led to the need to modify the mythology to keep the lemmings in the pews and show that the religion was one of devine tolerance, but I digress.

1066-1099-The first crusade was a military expidition sanctioned by Pope Urban II to regain christian Holy lands taken in the Muslim conquests  of the Levant ( 632-661 ), ultimately leading in the capture of Jerusalem in 1099. The Pope, of course, responding to an appeal by Emperor Alexios I Komnenos to send westerner volunteers to his aid in repelling invading Seljuk Turks from Anatolia. The additional goal became the primary goal to conquer Jerusalem and the Holy land in order to free the Eastern Christians from Islamic rule. More to come!!

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